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Saturday, June 09, 2007



a person who is assigned to share or shares a room or apartment with another or others

Well b4 u start falling for ne prejudices,let me clear up that putting on this post doesnt mean dat ive had ne fight with my roomies or they are plain a**holes or nething of dat sort.

its just dat ive got this weird disease which u call 'foot in brain disease' which translates into me being into a continuous state of analysing my surroundings and drawin out (often weird) conclusions from them.

ok so wat ive observed and learnt from about an year of roommateship with my roomie(s)
is dat the roommate is a strange creature.
maybe it just highlights and reiterates the relevance of the age old maxim ofwisdom of 'familiarity brings contempt'.
the more u get to know a person,the more closely u get to see them,the more flaws u can see in them.

no i dont mean to say dat ive been living with evil devils of the dark lord or sumthing like dat, but maybe its just the way it goes.............
Maybe dats wat happens with lovers getting to live together(stupid comparison na)

u choose sum1 as a roommate coz u 'think' dat u enjoy their company,isint it?
but after sumtime,dunno wat happens (maybe the real him in him shows up or u get simply bored of dat person) but things dont 'click' as they did before.
and i think dat all people sharing rooms with sum1 else are shaking their heads violently........

hold on to your heads and read on,

wat i want to say dat roommates are percieved to be potential best freinds, but dat potential usually turns out be a dissapointment.
allow me to make it clearer,
u r spending most of time in the room with your roomate
=> roomies the person u r supposed to talk to the most
=>u cum to know a lot of things about him
=>chances of finding sumthing intresting in him maximum(coz the persons not exactly a dumbo!)
=> high chances of a friendship

but things dont turn out this way,(still finding a rationale behind it,ne suggestions welcomed)

and roomies dont turn out to be the best of freinds.
but still, they are nice people(i dont know wat i meant by dat!)

a roommate spills out such a mixed bag of emotions dat it leaves u dazed.
u hate him sumtimes,
find him so cute sumtimes,
crib about him to other people,
reject him as a complete useless person sumtimes
while respect(ya, u can actually hv such feelings for a roommate!) him othertimes.

well watever it is, i do find my life a lot more happening and lot less boring with my roomies around.

dis is the first time i am sharing rooms wid sum1 and it was so disheartening to know dat.

but now i feel dat i have actually started enjoying myself wit them.
u know, u get to learn so much from them
u learn to adjust so much(and dat is such an important survival skill!)

maybe u just get used to them and their ways(however strange they maybe)
and maybe that sense of familiarity gives you a sense of security(waznt dat rhyming!)
the more u think the more intresting u find it.

and there are so many advantages too,
like the cool deodorant hes got
or the luxury shampoo hes got
or the gr8 mobile hes got!
(man ive become so mean!)

well i think ive licked up ur brains enuf!
better save them for an afterthought over the psycology of the roommate!

ps: plz plz plz do leave ur comments
be it abuse or praise or just sum crap (like wat uve just read)
but do leave a comment............

signing out initiated


Blogger the second mouse said...

i agree with you when you say too much familiarity brings contempt.
further in life you might find that your best friends were never your roommtes.
i think it has something to do with taking up oxygen. a roommate lives in the same space as you do he breathes the same oxygen as you do, so without your even knowing consciously your personal space gets obliterated.

Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 11:47:00 AM GMT+9  

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